Our Principles

At Package Free, we believe sustainable living should be easy. 

We’re a one stop shop for zero waste versions of everyday essentials. From beauty and cleaning to pet and baby products we’re making sustainable, non-toxic, and plastic free products more convenient and affordable. 

Since day one, our mission has been to make the world less trashy and our principles have guided us every step of the way.


Focus on reducing individual waste and methane emissions.

The average American produces 4.4 lbs of trash per day. This waste ends up in landfills where it creates methane gas, which is 100x more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2) over a couple of decades. Our growing landfills are a top 3 source of methane and reducing your consumption of plastic and landfill waste is a powerful way to tackle our planet’s most pressing issue: climate change.

By swapping the products you use daily to a Package Free alternative, it’s easier than ever to cut down on plastic and individual waste, creating a more livable future for all.

Eliminate Plastic. 

By 2050, it is estimated that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by weight. From toothbrushes to pet products, we source products that eliminate plastic from all parts of our daily routines.

Promote only buying what you need.

Buying in excess won't help climate change, but reducing plastic consumption and personal waste will. That's where we come in. At Package Free, you can find sustainable alternatives to the products you use daily to start reducing your plastic usage, waste, and environmental impact today.

Want to become a Package Free vendor? Apply here

Adhere to the Package Free Standard.

It’s our responsibility to offer our customers the most sustainable products available on the market. Everything we carry is vetted by our team of sustainability experts to ensure it meets the Package Free Standard, a core criteria and system of values that evaluates a product's ingredients, packaging, and end of life. By adhering to the Package Free Standard, we can ensure everything we carry is safe for people and the planet.

Always strive to be Zero Waste.

Founded by a pioneer of the Zero Waste movement, we not only sell products that help eliminate plastic and reduce waste, we aim to not produce waste either. We have implemented Zero Waste principles in all of our business operations, ranging from our offices to our warehouse. We offer composting, recycling, and Terracycle bins to eliminate all forms of potential waste, and all equipment, from our furniture to our electronic equipment, is secondhand, refurbished, recyclable, or circular.  Read more about our Zero Waste Operations in the Wall Street Journal.

Operate Plastic Free.  

We ship completely plastic free. Our shipping materials are 100% recyclable and 100% compostable. We work with all of our vendors to ensure that inbound shipments are also 100% plastic free. Learn more here.

Be Carbon Neutral.

We believe in an integrated approach to tackling climate change. Package Free products help to reduce waste and methane emissions daily, while offsetting our emissions from shipping and operations reduces CO2 and, through projects with our partner Pachama, restores vital ecosystems and employs thousands in communities around the world.

Measure positive impact.

We measure our success on the amount of waste we’ve diverted from landfills. Whether it’s swapping a plastic toothbrush for a bamboo one, or hundreds of plastic bags for a reusable one, we measure all of our customers’s sustainable choices which have diverted hundreds of millions of pieces of trash from landfills.

In addition to helping our customers reduce waste, we aim to lessen waste from the source. We are constantly working with our vendors to improve their overall sustainability. To date we have helped dozens of vendors and suppliers meet our Package Free Standard, and accomplish what we call sustainability wins! 

Always add value through education. 

We believe that education is the foundation for positive impact and that every piece of content we put out should add value and inspire action. We share Zero Waste inspiration, environmental education, DIY’s, and everyday tips that are powerful tools for creating positive environmental impact.  Explore more on our content arm, Trash is For Tossers.

Give back.

As a company built on community, we love to give back. Past support and donations include: Lower East Ecology Center, Los Sures Food Pantry, Committee for Hispanic Children & Families, Habitat for Humanity, Black Girls Code, UCLA Medical Center, Rise & Root Farm, SÜPRMARKT, the ACLU, NY Renews, Surfrider, Oceanic Global, and the Trans Disaster Relief Fund.

Be Environmentalists First.

Founded by Zero Waste Lifestyle pioneer and environmental advocate, Lauren Singer, we are environmentalists first and foremost. Our team considers the health and safety of the planet in every decision that we make.

Want to join us? Apply here!

Climate justice and racial justice go hand in hand. 

As environmentalists, we know we need all voices at the table to solve the climate crisis. We are committed to having diverse representation throughout our company as well as in our  brands in our product assortment. We have taken the 15% Pledge, a commitment to dedicate at least 15% of our assortment to black owned businesses.

Read more in our Commitment to Inclusivity.

Become B-Corp Certified.

Certified B Corporations are businesses that balance purpose and profit and are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment. We're very committed to becoming a B Corp. We are currently in the process, but operationally it's taking some time. We hope we'll be certified by EOY or if not shortly thereafter.

Constantly Improve. 

The more we learn, the more we grow. We commit to always listen, learn, hold ourselves accountable, and be and do the best we can - because the future of our planet depends on it.

Have a suggestion? We want to hear from you! Contact us here